
Langkawi Exploring- Day 2


Read about Day 1 first if you haven't already. =) 

Day 2 is all about visiting the Bat Cave and mangrove forest, some fishing area, discovering DOLPHINS, snorkeling at some unknown island, eagle-feeding and Pantai Cenang. 

While waiting for our boat captain

1. Bat Cave (meh)

Start off with the Bat Cave. The Bat Cave is really just a cave, a dark dark cave. All we could see was bats sleeping on top of the wall. Nothing special about it. The cave is attached to the mangrove forest (see picture). 

Tip: There are people selling torch light at the entrance of the cage, don't buy from them. With or without the torch light, your view remains a bunch bats sleeping, period.

Journey to Bat Cave starts

After that, we were told to put on the life vest as we were heading to the deeper sea and the boat will be moving very fast. 

2. Fishing Area (quite interesting) 

Next stop was the fishing area where there is an area rearing fish with a restaurant. You can choose to buy the bread to feed the fish. Just buy one or two packets and share out among your friends.

Expect to see something like this 
Sun-kissed skin, so hot, we'll melt your popsicle

The fishing village that looks like a scenery from Hang Zhou, China

3. Snorkeling at unknown island

Basically, the guy took us past the Kilim Geoforest Park and park the boat somewhere for us to snorkel. It was quite bad actually. The fish was so little, the sea isn't clear at all, and the stones were cutting our feet, some of us even bleed. We didn't stay long for the snorkeling, we didn't enjoy it anyway. 

But, although Day 2 is starting to sound like a boring day, we did have something interesting, which is..... DOLPHINS! Yes, we saw dolphins! the guy told us that it is possible to see dolphins but that very much depends on your luck. Sometimes, when he brings tourists there the dolphins are nowhere to be seen. We were all super excited to see the groups dolphins jumping in and out of the water.

D O L P H I N S ! ! !

4. Eagle-feeding

If you don't already know, eagle is a huge symbol for Pulau Langkawi. It's like the Merlion to Singapore or the Eiffel Tower to Paris. The eagle feeding session was very much what we expected. The guy had some raw meat in a pail where he threw to somewhere near (but in a safe distance), then the eagles come and ate it. 

NOPE. The eagles do not eat in front of you. Do you think they are like the cute little pigeons you feed on the road side? Eagles have their pride okay?  

LOL that was entirely my own interpretation. But the eagles only come and snatch the food away, then fly to the forest/trees area to slowly enjoy the food (I guess). So although you can see them in a very near distance, it's only for a very very short while.   

After finishing the island-hopping, we were all quite tired. But our day didn't come to an end, we haven't visited the famous Pantai Cenang how could we rest already? We headed back to our hotel to have a little rest, showered and ate. Then we left for Pantai Cenang in the evening. 

Taking pictures in the hotel lobby while waiting for others to be ready, the lighting was really good!
CEO of the hotel, heee =P 
Yes I only get darker and darker and don't understand why people like tanning so much, all I want is to be 2 shades lighter 

In the old old rented Wira, ants everywhere because a jerk left a can drink under the seat. We only found out on the last day while trying to execute the ants :(

5. Pantai Cenang 

Pantai Cenang as the background 

All the leng luis surrounding me *blush*

Look ma, I'm flying

We looked like 'siao po' but who cares, BFF do crazy pose together =)

Group photo featuring the 'LANGKAWI' sign

Then the sun set and we were hungry so we decided to have our dinner here by the beach.

Yellow Beach Cafe
Address: Jalan Pantai Tengah, Pantai Tengah, 07000 Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia

It's easy to recognise because there's only one restaurant there. There is also a yellow jeep right in front of the restaurant so you cannot miss it.
The yellow BEAST

The pizza tasted normal only and was quite pricey, we ended not full enough and ate a second round of Malay food near our hotel when we went back.

Back in the hotel, we had a little game and beer session. 
Took this picture from my friend, she said she was going to start a business with all these LOL
-Lights off-

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