
Yacht Trip in Singapore (Super Major Throwback)


For Christmas last year, I celebrated twice- once back in Penang and once in Singapore with my company. Honestly I was quite lucky to be able to join as I was just there for few months. It was quite a memorable experience for me as it was the first time I got on to a yacht and out in the sea like this.

We first gathered and took a cab from Harbour Front to get there. From there, you can see all the different yacht and private boats resting there at the bay.

Is it feasible to actually own one? I mean how often do you use it? Hmm, maybe I can rent it and get some income? 

Pretty sunset right there

If you wanna rest, you have a single bed 

A very small but functional toilet, I wonder where they go after we flush > <

Love the effect of the sun ray in this picture

Another boat

There can be easily 6 of me with the height of this coconut tree

How can I not selfie with perfect lighting like this hehe

I have no idea at all what is this house doing here but darn it looked really pretty here

When we were about to leave

Took a stroll by the beach, it's much much cleaner than Coney Island

Beautiful beach

The satay that was 'bakar' on the boat

This is a very very late post as I was really so occupied that I had not time at all, anyways I'm really glad that it is finally up. I will always remember the fun times that I had with my colleagues (I didn't post their photos here cos I didn't get their consent) on a fine evening in December 2015. A big shoutout to ICS for my first yacht experience! 

Now, I'm wondering when is the next time I'll be out in the sea. I'm thinking of... cliff jumping! 

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