
Dear Daddy, Happy Father's Day!

When I was small, and Christmas trees are tall… (a song that I’ve always enjoyed singing with my dad) The story today is all about my dad, my super daddy. I’m pretty sure he’ll be surprised with the topic today, hi daddy, I know you’ll be one of the first to read this blog post. (My dad is my no. 1 fan when...

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8D7N in Taiwan- Episode 2 (Summit Resort 新社庄园 - Formosan Aboriginal Cultural Village九族文化村)

Day 2 Taichung City 台中市 - Nantou County 南投  Day 2! Do you know what the most important thing in a day is? It’s to …… EAT! Breakfast is very very important. Thanks to our driver who brought us here, we had a very delicious and filling breakfast. The shop might not look like anything special, but it’s actually a popular breakfast place...

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