
Dear Daddy, Happy Father's Day!


When I was small, and Christmas trees are tall… (a song that I’ve always enjoyed singing with my dad)

The story today is all about my dad, my super daddy.

I’m pretty sure he’ll be surprised with the topic today, hi daddy, I know you’ll be one of the first to read this blog post. (My dad is my no. 1 fan when it comes to my blog!)

I know it is no use to celebrate Father’s Day one day out of the entire year. However, I would like to take some time and express some of my feelings. I’ve always had the concept that there’s no use to post all those cheesy messages like “Happy Birthday to you dad/mom” on social media unless, well if they are a social media user. Plus, my parents are not exactly fond of having all these Facebook accounts and stuff. But, my dad reads my blog, so here goes.

Recently, our family went to Taiwan for a family trip together. Words cannot express how happy I was to be reunited with my family. Me being the ‘family photographer’, I was holding the camera all the time and taking pictures of everyone. Before going, I was packing my luggage and hesitated if I wanted to bring the tripod stand. If I bring, then we could take more family pictures together without needing another person to help us. But, it’s quite bulky and certainly wouldn’t fit my backpack or handbag. But I brought it anyway. My dad is not a techy person, and is one of the “best” photographers. (We still laugh about the old film pictures taken by him with fingers in the shot!) Even though he wasn’t the person to take pictures for us, but he was the one who carried the tripod stand all the time. Without any complain or hesitation, he would ask me if the tripod is needed and took it with him if I said yes whenever we leave the car. It was after few times that I noticed my dad’s back, suddenly I felt so touched and just stopped and looked at him. This is my dad, who would do anything he could for us.

When I was younger, I went a school which was not nearby my house. So my dad had to send me to my auntie’s house every Sunday night. Being the careless one, I forgot to bring one of my bag which contained all my text books. Bear in mind, I live in Bayan Lepas area and my auntie’s house is in Georgetown. He was mad, yes he was. It was already about 11pm, and he went all the way back to get the bag and sent it to me. I think I was already asleep when he came to drop off the bag. I realised that it wasn’t important for my dad to drive any luxurious car, but what mattered was he could drive me wherever and whenever I needed it.

Basically my dad had to fetch me every day for training when I was a gymnast. He had to put everything down and send me to the gym everyday. Sometimes when the training was supposed to end at 10, it eventually ended at 10:30 or wayyyy later. All he did was just to wait patiently. Each time, I come out of the gym worrying that he would be angry at me because he had to wait for so long. But, never once had he said anything like that to me, all he said was “Wa, today train till so late. Are you tired? Hungry?”

I still remember when I went for tuition on Saturday nights, those are usually the nights whereby Manchester United (MU) matches were on. He would go to the nearby mamak, and I’ll meet him when I’m done with tuition. Spending some time with my dad at the mamak was something so unique and I can still remember vividly now. Well, now he watches at home. Sometimes I would join him and watch together in the living room. But since I’m far away from home now, I seldom have this kind of chance. Whenever I come back, it’s always a rush trip. How I wish we could have more sessions like that.

Almost on a daily basis, he would ask why haven’t dajie or erjie called back. I’m sure he asks about me as well since I am the one far away now. LOL but the funny thing is whenever I call back, he will talk to me for like 5 minutes then pass the phone to my mom. I would complain and say “daddy you asked me to call back but you keep pushing me to mummy. Mana boleh macam ni?” Then he laughed and said “You have more things to talk to mummy ma, what’s important is that I hear your voice and hear that you’re okay”.

I really wished I have more time to write this post. If I continue, I could write more and more. Sadly, I don’t have that much time. This post was in quite a rush, but thankfully in time for this Father’s Day.

I would like to take this opportunity and just say.

“Love you, daddy!

Thank you daddy for all your love (and for carrying the tripod stand hehe) 

Btw, I still hold my dad’s hand when we go out together, and I plan to do this till forever. 

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