
1-Day Date with NPY in Penang

Just the usual blue sky weather in Penang  Updated!! Check out my VLOG below for more visuals =)  I was back in Penang two weeks ago and of course I have to meet up with my NPY. We had so much fun and I cannot wait to share with guys and infect you with our happiness. Bear in mind, we didn't see each...

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8D7N in Taiwan- Episode 1 (Miyahara宫原眼科 - Feng Jia Night Market 逢甲夜市)

Hi all, the long awaited Taiwan Trip blog post is finally here. This time, it was an 8D7N family trip instead of a solo trip like what I did in October last year. I actually booked the ticket last year around August and cannot be more excited as I counted down the days to the trip. Not only we were going to be on...

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