
Gardens by the Bay


I have a special feeling for this place as it was the first official tourist spot that I visited after coming to Singapore. It was also the only tourist spot that my mom and I went together (with pictures taken! Thanks to my mom's friend). 

Let me give you a heads up. It's quite some distance to walk after getting down from the MRT station (Bayfront) to the entrance. After that you still need to walk kinda far before you reach the Flower Dome and some other attractions. And it can get reallyyyyyy hot, omg I was sweating so much walking towards my mom because they went there first. Make sure you have sunscreen all over you and maybe bring along a small fan. Ohh, and rmb to always hydrate yourself- drink lotsss of water. 

*I thought that the whole place is just like that when I was walking in-it.was.very.very.hot.*

Thank God! I was very fortunate to have gone into the Flower Dome (aka the air-conditioned part) FOC as my mom's friend is a member or something. Yup, so I went in the garden with air-con. What a relief, the place was really cooling with the ac and everything! My mom lovess flowers and all so she definitely enjoyed it. I enjoyed it too because I was spending time with my mom (you will grow up and realise that time spent with your loved ones are the most precious and treasured).

The ticket is $28 for foreigner and $12-$28 for local residents. The packages vary so check their website out to get the info.

I thought putting these pictures into collage made them even prettier, yes? 

My mom's friend actually told us that different themes or different types of flowers are displayed every month. So make sure you check out and visit when it's the month of your favourite flower!

The different types of Chrysanthemum

I guess this is some sort of award-winning architecture, don't really understand it, but it seemed pretty cool to me =P

There's a restaurant there named 'Pollen' too if you feel like you wanna dine before heading back. 
We then walked over to have our dinner at Marina Bay Sands which offers a lot of premium brands and restaurants. It's very normal to see a whole group of 'ang mos' there because conventions are regularly held there. There is also a Grand Theater whereby people can watch performances like live theatrical show and musical. I heard it's really something because it's live and you really feel like you're part of it. 

I hope the next time my mom visits, we get to spend more time together because this trip was a really short and rush one. 

Till next time, XOXO. 

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