
Coney Island exploring


Can't believe that it was almost a year ago when I went to Coney Island. I think Coney Island is something that you can do with your friends/boyfriend/girlfriend/family on a weekend. You can spend some quality time together while working out, one stone two birds!

You can go there by going to Punggol station then take a bus from the station. Just follow the crowd, quite many people go there, orrr you can totally read it here. Before you actually reach the entrance of Coney Island, you will need to walk for a bit along these pavements.

The view you'll get while walking along the pavements

You know some people take pictures in the middle of the road? Well you can take those kinda pictures without posing any dangers to yourself.
Almost there... 

Entrance of Coney Island

Some people sailing here

They say you can 'Bird Watch' here, I think only one in hundred manages to actually see it lo. Saw some butterflies instead haha.

Overall it took around 2 hours to stroll through Coney Island, you could walk all the way to Punggol park. I really did enjoy the entire trip until two weeks later when I found out that my legs were filled with sandflies bites... TT So please remember remember remember to spray enough insect repellent and also wear a long pants if you can to keep yourself safe from them.

-Mel 10 Oct 16-

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