
Taipei 3D2N Trip- The Local Way


When I suddenly realised I had 3 continuous rest days, the first thing that came to my mind is "LETS GO SOMEWHERE!" Then *poof* I was already on the airplane going to Taipei. and then I thought. since I'll be going to Taiwan next year fr the tourist spots, I shall now travel less like a tourist and mor like the locals. Anddddd, that's how my itinerary came off. 
Taipei Station 台北车站

Day 1- 淡水  

I wanted to go to some nature spots and my roommate from Timehouse recommended me to go 淡水 as it was really convenient to get there and the scenery is quite beautiful as well. Honestly I didn't do much research or googling before heading there. I just went! Haha thank God it was a worthwhile trip.

Nice right? It's mostly locals with their family or pets here
Boats resting on deck

Day 2- 金面山 剪刀石

So this was the place that was highly anticipated and admittedly the highlight of my trip. I saw this post from PopDaily and was dying to go there because of the scenery. The thing was, I didn't expect the amount of effort or stamina I needed to put in before I can taste the sweet bird's eye view of Taipei city. If you wanna conquer the hills like me, here is the detailed post about the hiking trip.

The view is worth every sweat and muscle pain

Also, I would like to shout out to Louisa Cafe. I really loved the cozy cafe located near the MRT. I was so in love I went there twice, before and AFTER I hike up.

Day 3- Pablo Cafe - Taipei Zoo

I didn't hear about this Pablo thing before, it was because I walked pass this shop several times already and wanted to try. There were no other customers in the shop so I felt like I booked the whole place. 

It was a breeze to get to the Taipei Zoo station which was the final stop for the line.
Camel! He stood up later, check my detailed post for the pictures =) 

Was super tired and rested here for awhile and I must say I was really satisfied with this photo taken by myself haha

My bad if you are afraid of butterflies or if you have any sort of phobia for bugs 

I was so excited when I saw this panda awake, the others were either snoozing or chilling (back-facing and hidden behind the tree) 

Flamingos! lotsss of them 
This was my first ever solo trip and I'm glad that I went to Taiwan. Given that I only had 3 days and this included time to travel and fly, I'm very happy for the places I went. The weather was great as well, mostly cooling with some sunny moments. The people there is more laid back and are more polite and well-mannered in general.

If you are a solo female traveller and especially if you speak basic mandarin, you basically can start buying air tickets already. I strongly feel that it is very solo and female friendly.

This sums up my whole Taipei trip and I'll be working on individual post for this trip and I'm particularly excited and more committed for Day2.

Stay tuned for more detailed posts and I promise they will come very soon!

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